Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day weekend

With the gorgeous weather that we had the last few days, we were super excited that it fell on a long weekend. We started the weekend off at the zoo with Cousin Lily to see the dinosaur exhibit. Aaron joined us in the adventure and we really had a great time seeing the animals and enjoying the nice sunshine and somewhat cooler weather.
Elly and the dinosaur
Daddy and Elly checking out the Dino Den

Lily and Elly really liked the interactive dinosaur exhibit

Sweet cousins!

Mommy and Elly 

Once we got home, Elly was pretty tired. We actually got her to take a little nap in her didn't last too long but it was a start. 

Laying on the wedge with Lucy, her blankee 
She is really liking to have Lucy close to her face when she sleeps. We obviously don't do that at night but during naps, Lucy is there. 

Elly also enjoyed some tummy time during the weekend. She is getting really good at holding her head up. She has even tried to "sit up" when she is propped on the boppy or the couch. It's too cute as she lifts her head to try to make herself look like a big girl. 

We also got to celebrate Lily Kate's 5th birthday this weekend. We had a blast with Aaron' s family and Lily was super excited at all her presents and getting to spend more time with Elly. She LOVES her cousin!
Dressed and ready for the Par-Tay

The birthday girl.....and Elly right by her side. 

Being a helpful cousin and making sure Elly doesn't fall down
Looking forward to seeing what these two get into in the years to come!

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